My Story

Welcome to my world! I'm a proud #girlmom wrangling two little ones and two lively dogs, while sharing adventures with my amazing husband. Whether we're jet-setting to new destinations, indulging in ice cream treats, or cheering on the Eagles, life is always an exciting journey. And when I'm not with my family, you'll catch me tending to my cherished plant collection, sneaking in Amazon orders, breaking a sweat at the gym, or capturing life's beautiful moments through my lens!

My Journey

In 2006, I graduated with a Bachelor's in Fine Art, specializing in Communication Design, from Kutztown University in Pennsylvania. Presently, I'm the Marketing Manager at Viwinco Windows, a family-owned window manufacturing company in Morgantown, Pennsylvania. While my career is fulfilling, photography is where my heart truly lies.

My Passion

Photography became my obsession from a young age. It was a serendipitous moment at my brother's wedding that ignited my passion even further. Despite a professional photographer being present, fate intervened when his equipment was stolen. I stepped in to document the event, realizing the profound impact photographers have in preserving precious memories. My mission is to offer a relaxed and enjoyable experience, capturing authentic moments with families, couples, and children.

Thank You!

Thanks for stopping by! Your support means the world to me.

For more glimpses into my world, follow me on Instagram: @mnunezphotography. Let's connect and create magic together!